GND Media

WCV S2: We've run with it like a dog with a burst ball"

Season 2 Episode 5

This week's episode is  about action, community and not waiting for the council to come and sort it for you and how even those with the least can be leaders in the fight against climate breakdown. 

Ads is joined by Terry McTernan, Secretary of the Darkwood Crew in Ferguslie Park , Scotland.  Ferguslie Park has consistently been at the bottom of Scottish league tables for economic development and poverty, with decades of Holyrood led initiatives to try and change that and with little luck. Terry and his community decided it was their turn, for the working class to decide how to change their part of the world for the better.

Ads and Terry discuss how the Darkwood Crew knits community support and climate action together, how years of top down approaches from government haven't helped Ferguslie Park,  the practical work of running successful community groups and how Ferguislie Park Community Council was formed.

Ferguslie Community Council Facebook page
Darkwood Crew- Ferguslie community environment group.

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